It's been months and so much has happened since then! I'm home, taking a hiatus from work, to support my daughter's traumatic twelfth class journey and keep the home fires burning while DH wanders "lonely as a cloud, across dales and hills" (apologies, Wordworth! Yes, DH has accepted a new job - one that takes him far away from us but a good jump career-wise. My daughter is now a fractious seventeen year old (almost!) and just coping with the sudden mood changes is taking up all my time. I thought I would go crazy at home but surprise, surprise! I'm actually busier than I ever was at work! Bills to be paid, chores to be done, cooking up new recipes, discovering baking, doing a freelance job as a writer - I haven't worn so many hats before. I feel I'm drowned in all these quick-change-Chester routines but I don't have time to feel depressed and that's good, ain't it? I've discovered a new author whose books I'm enjoying reading right now.
Have been reading: A Great Deliverance and Missing Joseph by Elizabeth George, Tales from Fairyland by Enid Blyton (go figure!)
Vegetarian Baked Stuffed Shells
2 months ago
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