Wednesday, December 26, 2007

2007- Looking back

It's the end of the year and time to look back on 2007 - most of the time, the days flew past so fast, I didn't notice the passage of months, let alone the days.
I made new friends, got in touch with some old ones that I hadn't met in years, adopted a baby bulbul and nursed it to health, lost the same bulbul to a hawk six months later, my daughter got through her tenth class prep exams, my husband and I had some pretty spectacular fights but as always, we made up, tried my hand at writing, started a blog, discovered some 'smashing' blogs, learnt to bake biscuits - yup, 2007 has been one heck of a year!
My takeaways from 2007 have been immense - I discovered that happiness can only come from within (Cliche alert!), my job is not what I want to do all my life and yes, love does go around! I discovered a whole new world of birds thanks to Circuit (my baby bulbul) and now the pigeons I feed on my terrace are a source of wonder to me. My daughter thinks I have birds on the brain but truly, we never notice our feathered friends, who live all around us and have such tragically short lives.
Salut, Circuit! Goodbye 2007!

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