It's a brand new year and time to clean the attic! Sweep away some old notions and attitudes and adopt some new ones. I, for one, have decided that I will not worry too much about the future. Whatever life decides to throw my way, I'll handle it (I mean, do I have a choice?):-)
Take it as it comes - for a chronic worry wart like me, that's a big step!
And then , I've decided to take better care of my health. Eat healthier , live healthier - which is easier said than done when you have a chain smoker in the house. Exercise more and eat less empty-calorie food. Adopt more positive ways of looking at things and cut through the noise. Focus on the I in me more. Listen more often to the voice of reason.
Take better care of my finances and cut down the impulse buys. Save more for the future and buy less clothes. Buy only what is absolutely needed (ha! that's a joke!) and no more uncomfortable footwear! Clean out my wardrobe and give away the stuff I don't wear any more.
Cut down on the clutter and mess as much as I can.
Let's see - that's all for now, folks!
Karina's Detox Soup Recipe with Coconut Milk
1 week ago